Vladimir Proshin - Pictures, Art, Photography

Vladimir Proshin

Background Information about Vladimir Proshin


With its painterly appearance, Vladimir Proshin’s photograph “On the River” (2013) entrances the viewer. In a breathtaking way, Proshin captures how cautiously these fishermen go about their work. Although they are all working independently, they seem to float in a group on the surface of the water, drifting united toward the bright horizon. Their sails underline this effect and bring them further in the intended direction, while their wooden oars serve as compositional elements.

The fishermen’s movements are in harmony with the peaceful nature. As we sink into the morning fog, we can just barely make out the background, which appears almost as though sketched. Through the piece’s almost monochrome color, everything comes together: the still water, the deliberate fishermen, the sailboats. Vladimir Proshin freezes a magical moment, preserving it for all eternity.

The Russian photographer’s landscapes have an almost mystical atmosphere. In his works, Proshin captures a nostalgic longing, showing us these unknown locations in a way that feels like they are regaling us with their own legends. “I am not interested in the photo itself. Rather, I am drawn to photography’s potential for conveying my feelings and impressions of the world around me,” the artist says. It is no wonder he has received numerous international prizes and awards for “On the River”, including more than 15 gold medals.


1968 Born in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
1990 First solo exhibition and induction into the Russian Union of Art Photographers
1994 Awarded the rank of Artist in the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP)
2010 Awarded the rank of Master in the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) for achievements in the field of art photography
2014 First prize at the Hamdan International Photography Award (United Arab Emirates) for “On the River”
2015 Grand Prix at the Siena International Photo Awards (Italy), shortlist at the Epson contest (Russia), more than 15 gold medals in total
The artist lives and works in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia