Goldfisch III
Fishing Grounds
from € 869
FISHING GROUNDS FOUND MEANINGS Susanne Wehr likes to play with reality and levels of meaning that can be discovered under the surface of the seeming reality of her works. Just as the goldfish or… Read more
Intro Bio Exhibitions
2000 | Artist prize for Photography, Inge-Freytag-Stiftung, Baden-Württemberg |
2010 | Mutations III, European Month of Photography: personal-views, an internet and exhibition project, Berlinische Galerie, Germany |
Musa – Museum on Demand, Mutations III, Vienna, Austria | |
Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, France | |
Contemporary Perspectives: 50 Years of GEDOK Berlin, Mnemosyne, at the Kunstraum Bethanien, Berlin, Germany | |
Surroundings: Landscape Makes Art III, Neuwerder, Germany | |
Berlin goes Touring, (Kennzeichen B) at Fenster61, Berlin, Germany | |
Modern Times – Month of Photography: sightseeing, Galerie en passant, Germany | |
People’s Photography meets Social Parquet (Volksbild meets Sozialparkett). Internet project in cooperation with the artist Barbara Caveng, Berlin, Germany | |
personal-views at the Berlinische Galerie: reading, slide presentation and performance with Rainer Totzke (Kurt Mondaugen) | |
Destroying the Picture, Kultursalon Noch besser leben, Leipzig, reading,slide presentation and performance with Rainer Totzke (Kurt Mondaugen) | |
Destroying the Picture, Galerie en passant, Berlin, reading, slide presentation and performance with Rainer Totzke (Kurt Mondaugen) | |
2009 | Circus Minimus, Preview Berlin, at the gallery Walden Kunstaustellungen, Berlin, Germany |
Midsummer Night’s Dream, 30LINKS, Berlin, Germany | |
Destroying a Picture, Internet Project at in cooperation with the media philosopher and author Rainer Totzke (Kurt Mondaugen) Leipzig | |
6. Berliner Kunstsalon GEHAG FORUM, Berlin, Germany | |
Fotografische Positionen & Skulptur, GEHAG FORUM, Berlin, Germany | |
C.A.R. Contemporary Art Ruhr, Forum für Fotografie und Medienkunst, Galerie en passant, Zeche Zollverein, Essen, Germany | |
2008 | „Zentralfigur“ Schaufenster-Performance und Diashow mit Fotografien aus dem Volks-Bild Archiv, Emerson Gallery, Berlin, Deutschland |
Shoot, Emerson Gallery, Berlin, Germany | |
2007 | Volks-Bild, development of an online archive with anonymous private photographs |
2006 | Alles Liebe, digital works and photography, Emerson Gallery, Berlin, Germany |
2004 | Seestücke, Digitale Arbeiten und Fotografie, Askania Höfe, Berlin, Germany |
1996 | Woher wir kommen, wohin wir gehen, Museum Schloss Bonndorf, Germany |
1995 | realbook, drawings, Galerie altes Schloss Wehr, Germany |
1994 | Positionen, Städtische Galerie Löffingen, Germany |
New Works, painting/drawings, Hans Thoma Museum, Germany | |
Schneefelder, drawings, Galerie im Roten Haus, Lenzkirch, Germany | |
1992 | Balance und Densität, Malerei/Zeichnungen, Galerie Sinus, Heidelberg, Germany |
1990 | Event, reconstruction of the Berlin Wall at Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin, Germany |
Wiederbelebung des Todestreifens, Wallstreet Gallery, Berlin, Germany | |
Welcome, painting/drawings, Galerie Index, Hannover, Germany | |
1988 | on earth, drawings, painting, objects, Atelierhaus Adalbertstraße, Berlin, Germany |
1987 | Gastspiele, Galerie Schloss Oberhausen, Germany |
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