Curated Yellow Art for Sale

Explore our curators' selection of contemporary yellow artworks from the LUMAS portfolio. Shop our collection of yellow art, and discover all the original green art offered in our portfolio. Minimalist, abstract, and still life; paintings, prints, and photographs - our collection has yellow artworks to enlighten your home decor!

Yellow Artworks

Yellow, along with red and blue, is a primary color. Combined with other primary colors, and in its analogous and tertiary forms, yellow is the foundation for brightness.

According to color experts, yellow denotes creativity, hope, and optimism. It is also more adaptable than one might think: muted yellows can have a cooling effect, while darker or mustard yellows can present as more serious and contemplative.

The Curators' Palette: Yellow Art

Yellow has a special role as a conveyor of clarity. As part of your home wall decor, it can introduce atmospheres of happiness, and in darker values, fill out your space with a friendly but deep and rich color.

Works by Jose Manuel Ballester are undertaken in the spirit of minimalist art, and feature architectural scenery and construction zones. His subject matter, which focuses the mind and makes use of mild colors, is well suited for decorating a home office.

Large landscape works, such as those by Steven Friedman and Alison Shaw, can be a good choice in decorating a living room. A yellow landscape shapes a wall into a backdrop of focus and invitingness.

Pantone 2021: Yellow and Grey

Pantone has declared Ultimate Grey and Illuminating to be the colors of the year for 2021. In its announcement, Pantone described the twinned choice - which recalls a painted yellow fire hydrant set against a dull grey sidewalk - as "[a] message of happiness supported by fortitude", supporting an realistic and resilient optimism appropriate to our moment.

Abstract Yellow Artworks

Yellow, as an incarnation of energy and optimism, lends itself to abstract art which presents itself as a play on these primal natural energies and forces. Characteristically present in brighter tones, yellow also commonly buoys themes and subject matter which speak to the playful, and sometimes even paradoxically cynical aspects of abstract art.

In Sonja L.'s pop art works, color is familiar, but exaggerated. The eye is drawn to bright yellows, which are practically synonymous with lighting, whether in the foreground or the background.

Spotlight on Flowers

From the sunflower to the yellow dahlia, we rely on flowers to set specific accents indoors. Bright yellow flowers may act as proxies of the sun indoors. But in the photographic studies of Michael Wissing, the rich and fascinating gold-leaf coloring is balanced out by a secret element of morbidity characteristic of still life. Explore our collection of flower art prints, with still lifes, vintage floral patterns, and flowers bursting with color.

Curated Yellow Artworks